Adding Wufoo forms to WCMS
It is easy to integrate a Wufoo form into WCMS.
Create a new page in WCMS. It is usually best to use a "Left Navigation Page" or a "Full Page with No Left Nav" for Wufoo forms. Remember to use the recommended naming conventions.
Log into Wufoo and with the Form Manager and hover the cursor over your form name to view the taskbar buttons. Select/click the "Code" icon.
After you select/click the "Code" icon you will be directed to a new page with various choices. Currently, as of the date of these directions were written, the recommended way to integrate a form into WCMS is to select/click the link "Embed Form Code," see item 1 in the image below. Then copy the code in the "JavaScript Version (Recommended)" frame, see item 2 in the image below.
In the WCMS tool go the page you created and select the "Edit" tab. Then in the WYSIWYG editor select/click the "HTML" icon, see image below.
After selecting/clicking the "<>" icon the HTML Source Editor will appear. Paste the code you selected and copied from Wufoo into the appropriate location, i.e. above or below any text, images, etc. that you might have already inserted in the WYSIWYG Editor, and click "OK", "Preview Draft" and then "Submit"
The final step is to publish your page.